24 unique miniatures between classical, jazz, pop and film score – for piano, strings and electronic sounds.
“a wonderful, multi-faceted experience, a journey in more ways than one”
— Colin Clarke, Fanfare
24 unique miniatures between classical, jazz, pop and film score – for piano, strings and electronic sounds.
“a wonderful, multi-faceted experience, a journey in more ways than one”
— Colin Clarke, Fanfare
Finland’s only Piano Balladist, Heikki Hallanoro, makes a strong melodic mark with his sensitive and delicate piano pieces that are delivered with such a tenderness and bold simplicity that it is not just beautiful but simply – shines truth.
The album contains a kaleidoscope of music reaching across many genres with the album’s central theme and connecting tissue being the performer that is Peter Grabinger.
Katarzyna Mycka is also known by critics as “the one who dances with mallets”. She has recorded a cross-section of her repertoire on over 10 CDs and commissioned numerous compositions.
This title is apt as both players have a broad and divers background across a number of styles and genres and these influences are successfully fussed in the performances captured on this recording.
Mia Brentano’s first two albums, with their diverse, stylistically very free compositions which defy all descriptions, hit the nerve of the times: in the USA, both made it onto the annual “want list” by the classical music magazine Fanfare, while the second also received a Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik
The versatility, the delicacy, the subtlety and the ethereal quality of the sound of the marimbas raises us up onto that spiritual plane that is such a feature of Bach‘s music. Small miracles do occur.
Mia Brentano opens up a very individual, very personal cosmos for us here, even more so than on her first CD. Her music is very entertaining, very diverse, but nevertheless unique. Just listen for yourself – there is nothing like it.
You really don’t need to do any research into the composer Mia Brentano. She has concealed her identity intentionally and meticulously, and only wants to be perceived through her music …
The life of Matthias Berg (*1961) revolves around the triangle of music, law and sports. In all three interests he has developed his talent to outstanding levels. Quoting Mr. Berg: “That’s what happens when you combine humour, determination, enthusiasm and a Thalidomid disability”.